Friday, 2 May 2014




Just 8 million people fully qualify for monetary borrowing and in 2003 had chalked up a credit card debt of AU$31 billion, and an AU$410 billion personal debt. It is popularly known that some Australians have up to 42 credit cards each.

In Australia in September 2003 the average mortgage cost rose by 6% whereby income only rose by 2%.

Australians spent the following amount of money on dining out.
2000             AU$8.5 million.
2001                   $9.5 billion.
2003           $10 billion.

It is estimated that in 2003 it cost approximately AU$224,000 or $45 a week to raise a child this does not include higher education.

Australian women only hold 9% of the 200 top business positions. (11/03)

Australian travel expenditure;
International travel                            Domestic travel
2000……………AU$3.5 billion         2000…AU$294 million
2002………………. $3.4   “   “           2002…     $298 “      “
2003………………. $3.3   “   “           2003…     $304 “       “

At least 29% of males and 23% of women will never marry. (10/02)

About 25% of Australian’s cheat on their long-term partners. (03)

It has been estimated that of all Centrelink payments more than 55% have been overpayment mistakes.

Australians are the 6th major Internet users worldwide with 9% of purchases made being bought online. Australians per capita are the world’s largest users. Is the yet another developing addiction?

Car theft or car rebirthing costs Australians AU$600 million, with about 19,000 cars stolen in 2003. It is estimated that car theft profits are about AU$21 million yearly.

Australian wool commodities are the lowest in 60 years.



In June 2003 the US shed 3.3 millions jobs with the 9 major cities accounting for 91% of the job losses and with 12% of high tech jobs disappearing in the last year.
June 03 had the USA economic interest rate at a 41 year low. (31/10/03)

The US’s top 200 businesses see 135 of them in economic freefall, with equities down by 17% in cash returns. For example Globe International stocks down 49cents. The loss represents 80% of cost. Hartley Poynton Ltd fined US$1.3million for reckless behaviour, and HARRIS Scarf CEO hit with a 6-year sentence for falsification. Since 2001 1 million jobs have been lost in the US. Low employment saw the following jobs disappear:
Service industries lost 67,000 jobs.
Manufactures lost 44,000 jobs.
Government had a lost of 66,000 jobs.

Ninety two percent of United States residents have never held a passport. (28/10/03)
Unemployment in the US in September 03 was 6.1%, Australia’s was then stated at 6.2% but was quickly changed in the next Howard government national statement to 5.8%. (12/02)

Canadians average 3 credit cards each with 86% having regular unpaid bills. (5/03)

Pres G W Bush visit to the UK on the 19/11/03 saw 14,000 police on duty to protect him and yet an undercover journalist was able to get close to the president and could have assassinated him. London saw the biggest protest march since WW2. George W Bush is considered the least in office president in the last 75 years.

In the US 80% of soya products are genetically modified as is 70% of their food in general. Fresh food should be washed thoroughly. Please note that ORGANIC does not mean NO PESTICIDES.

People who marry between the ages of 20 and 25 years of age in the USA have an 80% divorce rate. Those that live together before marriage have twice the chance of divorce. Approximately 25% of men and 14% of American women have sex outside their marriage.

California USA is about the 5th largest economy in the world with a population of36 million people and a US$38 billion debt. (9/03)

About 1.4 million people get food poisoning each year. (28/10/03)

Seventy percent of Americans now believe that the Iraqi war has increased the threat of terror. Thus, the US in May 2000 spent US$1 billion a week on maintaining the Iraqi war. Only 35% of Americans approved that level of spending, 87% disapproved. (Time Magazine)


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