Friday, 2 May 2014


TAXI COUPON APPLICATION, another Government scam in New South Wales.
When applying for this medical support be warned that; in spite of the pages & pages of information required from your doctor ALL is dependent on ONE little box “how far CAN you walk”? There is no other criteria, you can be critically ill, be at risk of falling and dying on the spot (I have Benign Postural Vertigo, a wedge fracture behind my lungs ( so a fall could pierce my lungs), on liquid Morphine for life threatening pain ( I have had 5 pain shutdowns where I am at risk of dying), live in the outback with limited transport, walk on dirt and rocks (thus adding to the fall risk) and have no living relatives to help me. BUT, do not qualify because I HAVE to WALK, not CAN walk)? SO, if I fall and die who MAY be a contributing factor???????? And if they just asked for the little box to be ticked it would not only save trees it would also SAVE TAXPAYERS a LOT of MONEY. Also, in South Australia their taxi coupons give users three quarters discount, New South Wales gets half discount. SO much for DEMOCRACY which I believe means equal opportunity for all. And when I asked if they read the medical documents I was told “no”? So what can I say?


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