Friday, 2 May 2014

AUSTRALIA, the Truth is Frightening

AUSTRALIA, the Truth is Frightening.

Disclaimer: I have been quite ill and I did not realize things would get this bad so as much as absolutely possible all information is as close to the truth as I can get. I say this humbly but I have 4 degrees, 6 majors from International Micro / macro economics to the humanities and have been in almost half the world’s countries. I do however come from a hardworking taxpaying family. Thank you.

Approximately about 28th - 30th March 2014, the liberal federal government granted Amnesty to all the rich Australian recently caught harbouring money in the Swiss Bank to avoid paying taxes. Even though these already rich are ripping of the hardworking, tax payers, which mean no fines or no avoided tax payments. Boy! If it was us it would be ‘go straight to jail do not pass go’, that to me is disgraceful.

All the evidence is pointing to Abbott privatizing Medicare as soon as they can. This is supported by John Howard’s top economist who was interviewed approximately about 28th - 30th March 2014 also, who stated that Abbott was picking up where they left off.  John Howard privatized Medibank soon after they got into power and it cost Labor and taxpayers approximately $68 million to introduce Medicare. WHAT COST OF LIFE wills this result in? I myself am at risk of dying. SO, if this is announced SLATER & Gordon Legal firm are willing to do a class suite if they can get enough concerned and at risk people: PHONE 1800 074 212 don’t be afraid to call them. Also, taxpaying Australians and past taxpayer pensioners who have not been in Private health for 10 years have a 70% loading while a out of country worker brought to Australia to work can get full cover for $200 a month full cover, even, even if they do not have work??? These people have never paid any taxes EVER in Australia? AS an example: When I left work due to Cancer etc I was paying 44 cents in the dollar tax, my monthly private health just for hospital cover is $257?? Here is something of concern if the Liberals cut Medicare, will they still give drug addicts access to shooting galleries? Heroin is a BANNED drug (not allowed in the country) and marijuana is a low risk medicinal potential drug. Heroin overdoses are up by 36% higher in legal shooting gallery than surrounding streets. (CH 7 23/10/03). This is mainly because the addicts will shoot up more in a protected environment to try to get the HIGH back. I have worked with these people in 2 countries Australia and Canada.

The liberal federal government is also considering reducing pensions of people who own their own homes, we have repairs etc and are saving the government money by not receiving rent assistance, and most of us paid our taxes during our working life. There is also a plan whereby, if you purchase an investment property you can apply for $10,000 tax free taxpayer’s money for 10 years. Would that be better if it was given to low income families? As of approximately 18 months Australia is the “most overpriced, expensive, CAPITALIST country in the world” thanks to the Liberal privatization Program. The public utilities sold by John Howard for less than approximately less than about $27 Billion had the ability to create $17 to $23 Billion EACH YEAR, boy we would not have one of the smaller debts in the world, less than $1 Trillion.

Here is even more, on average 82% of Australians gamble on some level. Of these people 42% are gambling to excess, with 63% of that sub-population obtaining funds from crime. Government involvement in this dysfunctional activity for example is: Victoria-gambling revenue accounts for 15% of the state’s taxes. NSW-gambling revenue is 19%, with 19% of these gamblers being women. And yet James Packer was recently allowed to build another Casino and the Pacer Casinos were exonerated from the recently introduced protective spending guidelines.

TAXI COUPON APPLICATION, another Government scam in New South Wales.
When applying for this medical support be warned that; in spite of the pages & pages of information required from your doctor ALL is dependent on ONE little box “how far CAN you walk”? There is no other criteria, you can be critically ill, be at risk of falling and dying on the spot (I have Benign Postural Vertigo, a wedge fracture behind my lungs ( so a fall could pierce my lungs), on liquid Morphine for life threatening pain ( I have had 5 pain shutdowns where I am at risk of dying), live in the outback with limited transport, walk on dirt and rocks (thus adding to the fall risk) and have no living relatives to help me. BUT, do not qualify because I HAVE to WALK, not CAN walk)? SO, if I fall and die who MAY be a contributing factor???????? And if they just asked for the little box to be ticked it would not only save trees it would also SAVE TAXPAYERS a LOT of MONEY. Also, in South Australia their taxi coupons give users three quarters discount, New South Wales gets half discount. SO much for DEMOCRACY which I believe means equal opportunity for all. And when I asked if they read the medical documents I was told “no”? So what can I say?

John Howard as soon as he could took pensions of the CPI (inflation rate), in his first term. He also  privatized Universities after privatizing Medibank, hence the fees go up and up, gave approximately 70% of taxpayers education money to Private schools who profit millions, hence public schools started to crash. And while in the USA when he met George W Bush stated on National television when asked to compare welfare said “people under a certain income and welfare were a redundant waste of time and the Liberal Party had a plan to get rid of them”. This might be able to be Googled if you know how. It was John Howard who introduced baby born benefit which was $10,000 so there was an increase in single and young women having babies more for the money than the motherhood. Labor brought in the ‘bring the receipt for baby cost to Centrelink and then you can collect the cost. It was not the benefit that was wrong it was the process of delivery that was, I believe to be very irresponsible. Australia potentially had the 6th highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the world. (10/03/2005)



TAXI COUPON APPLICATION, another Government scam in New South Wales.
When applying for this medical support be warned that; in spite of the pages & pages of information required from your doctor ALL is dependent on ONE little box “how far CAN you walk”? There is no other criteria, you can be critically ill, be at risk of falling and dying on the spot (I have Benign Postural Vertigo, a wedge fracture behind my lungs ( so a fall could pierce my lungs), on liquid Morphine for life threatening pain ( I have had 5 pain shutdowns where I am at risk of dying), live in the outback with limited transport, walk on dirt and rocks (thus adding to the fall risk) and have no living relatives to help me. BUT, do not qualify because I HAVE to WALK, not CAN walk)? SO, if I fall and die who MAY be a contributing factor???????? And if they just asked for the little box to be ticked it would not only save trees it would also SAVE TAXPAYERS a LOT of MONEY. Also, in South Australia their taxi coupons give users three quarters discount, New South Wales gets half discount. SO much for DEMOCRACY which I believe means equal opportunity for all. And when I asked if they read the medical documents I was told “no”? So what can I say?

Bush Family Tree




We have more microbes on our hands than the whole world’s population.

At least 28 million Africans have aids. It is believed that 90% have not contacted aids from sexual activity but rather by poor health standards. For example in Zimbabwe between 1984 and 88 the HIV rate increased by 12%, sexually transmitted diseases dropped by 25%. While in Kenya 2 people die from aids everyday and it is believed that 9% of its population has HIV. (ABC 11/11/03)

Estimation has it that 600 South Africans die daily from aids.  With millions of Papuan, Indonesian, Chinese and Indian people becoming victims. HIV is predicted to kill 10,000 Cambodians alone in the next decade.  Sadly, in Asia one third of the adult population may be HIV infected. (8/03 & 22/10/03)

Women now account for half of the 42 million people worldwide who are HIV positive. (4/11/03)

There are 21 million documented refugees worldwide. (Austcare 03)

Colon cancer kills 56,000 Americans every year.

North American indigenous people have 678% more chance of becoming addicted to drugs and alcohol.

An estimated 1.7million US woman used HRT for menopausal symptoms. Recently, 340,000 have stopped due to side effects; with 110,000 of those were not high-risk candidates for the side effects. (Ch 9 News 17-2-04)

There are about 6.2 million legal drug addicts in the USA approximately 1/12th of population. There are about 495 Internet sites where legal drugs can be bought illegally.
Death connected to obesity is up in the US by 30%, smoking deaths up 10%, with 60% of the US population overweight.

About 9 million Americans have had cosmetic surgery in the year 2003.


Over 50% of US adults are overweight, some of which has been linked to depression. (6/03)

Something like about 90% of people with HIV does not know how they were infected.

In the US about 1,470 people die each day from Cancer, with a further 3,655 cases being diagnosed.

Americans take a sick day every 3 weeks. Furthermore, 1.2 million Americans take diet pills continually.

The US Justice found BAT and affiliated Brown & Williamson Tobacco guilty of 50 years of deceit to encourage consumers to start and continue smoking. It said that due to this conspiracy the US government was forced to spend US$20 billion a year on tobacco-related illnesses. (9/10/03)

In the late 1600’s germ warfare was used against North American Indians by spraying blankets and then distributed them to the indigenous population.

Early indigenous people knew to vaccinate themselves against such things as smallpox and other diseases by making the sputum into powder and inhaling it through the nasal passages. The colonists started to notice this practise when they deliberately infected blankets etc with these diseases and copied it in the late 1700’s. The early Hindi people used the dried pus to vaccinate its population by pricking and scratching the powder into the skin.

Smallpox is a present day scourge still!
During the 1530’s in Mexico and Central America, the Spanish Conquistadors slaughtered more than 9 million of the 11 million Aztec populations in 5 years. Most were slaughtered while praying in large groups.

Four percent of the American population is environmental intolerant to EVERYTHING, related to extreme unnatural chemical absorption of 371 to 500 chemicals found just in our food and the air we breath.

Surgeons leave up to 9,000 medical instruments and tools inside patients in the Western world each year.

About 1,470 people die and 3,655 are diagnosed with cancer ever week in the USA.




This is a 2003 world research on people killed by guns (not inclusive of war activities) and is a pro rata of population statistic.
Japan          39
Australia     65 (but on increase)
France        168
Germany    382
United States  11,921

Los Angeles, USA homicides had risen up by 11%. (03).

Three quarters of domestic murders happen after a break up / child custody battle or affair.

One in 10 US priests have been suspected of unlawful behaviour. (Ch 10# 28=1-04) With a suggested 10,500 paedophile victims being
In the USA one woman is raped every 2 minutes. (10/03)

One in every 11 US residents are shoplifters and are responsible for property losses of US$8 billion per annum. (02)

Carjacking in the US occur 5 times daily whereas in Johannesburg South Africa it’s recorded to be 1 carjacking every 40 minutes. (2001)

At least 74% of Americans who gamble on line have serious gambling problems with about US$7 billion loss in the fiscal year 2002. One in every 10 children (5 million) children has been gambling on line.

WorldCom were found guilty of fraud to the sum of US$500 million in the early months of 2003. At the same time the US government under GW Bush granted WorldCom the SOLE Cellular phone contract in Iraq. (May 03)

The US government granted 2 of their largest oil companies 2 million barrels of IRAQI oil in the year2004. But the war was not about oil? (03)

US admitted to using napalm against the Iraqis in the early stages of the 2003 war. (NBC US 8/03)

In the early 1971’s Iraq was only receiving 9% of their own oil sales while the US received about 24%, France 23%, etc. When oil was nationalised in 1973 the money was used to improve education over a period of time by 300%, both Muslim and Christian schools were built. Present day Iraqi oil can supply 64% of the world’s needs. The old oil is in decline by 2014 the resources will have dwindled by 5 billion barrels a day.

The American CIA paid US$125 million to the warlords to get them onside in the fight against Russia Osama Bin Laden was recruited to train the Taliban. Osama was recruited primarily because the Bush family has huge oil profit connections with the Saudi Bin Laden family. It has been estimated that it could take up to 100 years to clear Afghan mines. As early as 4/03 the US CIA and GW Bush knew that Iraq had NOT tried to purchase nuclear support materials from Nigeria.

Shoplifting in the United Kingdom is estimated at £1 billion a year. Police in Oxford Street catch up to 10,000 snatch and grab/shoplifters per year. With another estimated 10,00 crimes occurring on Britain’s streets.

Half a million cars are stolen each year in the United Kingdom, costing about £4 million per year. (19/11/03)

In Colombia South America more than 128 unionists went missing or were killed. In early 2002 there had been 120 assassinations. With 3.2 million people being displaced since US intervention with Plan Colombia.

In Chile under Pinochet’s rule 400 unionists were dumped in the ocean tied to old metal rail sleepers.

In 1951 at Yucca Flats Nevada USA American military personnel were subjects of nuclear testing to see if they could function efficiently under fallout. This is a similar scenario ours at Woomera in 1953. They were ordered to attend under threat of a courtmarshall. Many interviewed after talked of seeing skeletal frames of hands etc. They were given little protective covering and told to turn away then to turn back directly after the explosion. The observers had protective clothing and goggles.

The Khmer Rouge in Cambodia was accused of slaughtering up to 10 million people during that power regime. And yet! The US while aligning with China funded that regime to the sum of US$3 billion, to only then withdraw, leaving the country in total confusion.

There are enough weapons in the western world and Israel to destroy the planer at this very moment in time. (CH 31 30/11/03)

Israel has 5 times the required nuclear energy and is alleged that their head nuclear scientist (a whistleblower) was assassinated, and the single largest recipient of US non-tied foreign funding. (ABC Documentary 9/03)

At least 95 climbers of New Zealand’s Mt Cook have died from accidents in the last 75 years.


40% of all US traffic fatalities are alcohol related.

Estimates of alcohol involvement by pilots in US general aviation crashes range from 10-30%.

It is suggested that 60% of fatal boating accidents involve alcohol including those who fell overboard.

Post accident testing in the US of rail personnel in 1990 showed 3.2% positive to alcohol or other prohibited drugs. The percentage is higher for fatal accidents.

In February 03, US ten policemen from just one police precinct were arrested for stealing money and drugs.

In February 03, ten US policemen from just one police precinct were arrested for stealing money and drugs.

Currently over 70% of the UK’s drug users are in employment.

UK drug users are 3.3 times more inclined to injure themselves or others at work.

Drug users in the UK are more likely to have an accident on the job.




Just 8 million people fully qualify for monetary borrowing and in 2003 had chalked up a credit card debt of AU$31 billion, and an AU$410 billion personal debt. It is popularly known that some Australians have up to 42 credit cards each.

In Australia in September 2003 the average mortgage cost rose by 6% whereby income only rose by 2%.

Australians spent the following amount of money on dining out.
2000             AU$8.5 million.
2001                   $9.5 billion.
2003           $10 billion.

It is estimated that in 2003 it cost approximately AU$224,000 or $45 a week to raise a child this does not include higher education.

Australian women only hold 9% of the 200 top business positions. (11/03)

Australian travel expenditure;
International travel                            Domestic travel
2000……………AU$3.5 billion         2000…AU$294 million
2002………………. $3.4   “   “           2002…     $298 “      “
2003………………. $3.3   “   “           2003…     $304 “       “

At least 29% of males and 23% of women will never marry. (10/02)

About 25% of Australian’s cheat on their long-term partners. (03)

It has been estimated that of all Centrelink payments more than 55% have been overpayment mistakes.

Australians are the 6th major Internet users worldwide with 9% of purchases made being bought online. Australians per capita are the world’s largest users. Is the yet another developing addiction?

Car theft or car rebirthing costs Australians AU$600 million, with about 19,000 cars stolen in 2003. It is estimated that car theft profits are about AU$21 million yearly.

Australian wool commodities are the lowest in 60 years.



In June 2003 the US shed 3.3 millions jobs with the 9 major cities accounting for 91% of the job losses and with 12% of high tech jobs disappearing in the last year.
June 03 had the USA economic interest rate at a 41 year low. (31/10/03)

The US’s top 200 businesses see 135 of them in economic freefall, with equities down by 17% in cash returns. For example Globe International stocks down 49cents. The loss represents 80% of cost. Hartley Poynton Ltd fined US$1.3million for reckless behaviour, and HARRIS Scarf CEO hit with a 6-year sentence for falsification. Since 2001 1 million jobs have been lost in the US. Low employment saw the following jobs disappear:
Service industries lost 67,000 jobs.
Manufactures lost 44,000 jobs.
Government had a lost of 66,000 jobs.

Ninety two percent of United States residents have never held a passport. (28/10/03)
Unemployment in the US in September 03 was 6.1%, Australia’s was then stated at 6.2% but was quickly changed in the next Howard government national statement to 5.8%. (12/02)

Canadians average 3 credit cards each with 86% having regular unpaid bills. (5/03)

Pres G W Bush visit to the UK on the 19/11/03 saw 14,000 police on duty to protect him and yet an undercover journalist was able to get close to the president and could have assassinated him. London saw the biggest protest march since WW2. George W Bush is considered the least in office president in the last 75 years.

In the US 80% of soya products are genetically modified as is 70% of their food in general. Fresh food should be washed thoroughly. Please note that ORGANIC does not mean NO PESTICIDES.

People who marry between the ages of 20 and 25 years of age in the USA have an 80% divorce rate. Those that live together before marriage have twice the chance of divorce. Approximately 25% of men and 14% of American women have sex outside their marriage.

California USA is about the 5th largest economy in the world with a population of36 million people and a US$38 billion debt. (9/03)

About 1.4 million people get food poisoning each year. (28/10/03)

Seventy percent of Americans now believe that the Iraqi war has increased the threat of terror. Thus, the US in May 2000 spent US$1 billion a week on maintaining the Iraqi war. Only 35% of Americans approved that level of spending, 87% disapproved. (Time Magazine)



Mice have existed for at least72 million years, have similar genes to humans, AND may be an ancestor.

At least 64 large fires surrounded Sydney Australia during one of the worse droughts in the last 50 years. (6/12/02)

New Zealand has a population of 31/2 million people and 57 million sheep. (1/1/03)

The Vancouver Canada population will, by 2006 have 1 million people living there that will be of another ethnicity. Vancouver population growth is about 160,000 per year.

The Pope is the most recognised person in the world, has sold more CD’s than any entertainer. His 1998 CD sold 60 million copies worldwide and is the first non-Italian pope in 456 years. (2002)

Men sweat up to 50% more than women do.

In September 2003 Microsoft’s Bill Gates Foundation donated US$51 million to New York to help improve the standards of 67 schools in the poor areas. He had previously expanded the educational development of a further 91 schools in the USA.  In the US about 45% of African Americans and Latinos don’t finish High school, while 30% of Anglo-American don’t graduate from High school.

Public opinion on Prime Minister John Howard and the 2003 Iraqi invasion:
46% totally disapproved, 72% did not condone it and 26% were undecided.

World opinion on using force to remove Saddam Husain:
United States……………Yes=62% ___No=26%
Britain…………………..       =47% ___     =47%
France…………………..       =33% ___     =64%
Germany………………..       =26% ___     =71%
Russia…………………..       =12% ___     =79%
Turkey………………….       =13% ___     =83%.

World opinion on suicide bombing in defence of Islam:
Lebanon……………….. Yes=73% ___No=21%
Nigeria…………………       =47%  ___     =45%
Jordon………………….       =43%  ___     =48%
Pakistan………………..       =33%  ___     =43%
Indonesia………………       =27%  ___     =70%. (12/02)

World journalistic integrity status;
Australia equivalent to Ghana and Korea
Sweden is the most open journalism
Brazil is the least open.

Spoken language has been around in some form for at least 100,000 years, with written language only about 5,000 years. (Time magazine)




Over 50% of prisoner’s re-offend within 2 years of being released from prison.

Most murders that occur in Australian murderers happen in the home.

People who drink to excess account for 30,000 in the last decade. (CH 7, 20/11/03)

On average 82% of Australians gamble on some level. Of these people 42% are gambling to excess, with 63% of that sub-population obtaining funds from crime. Government involvement in this dysfunctional activity for example is:
Victoria-gambling revenue accounts for 15% of the state’s taxes.
NSW-gambling revenue is 19%, with 19% of these gamblers being women.

Australia has 20% of the whole worlds gambling outlets.
In 2000 Australians lost AU$13.34 billion; in 2003 it was $16 billion.

Australians also spent AU$8.1 billion on telephones, mobile phones and other forms of communication. (2003)

Nine out of every 10 Australian drivers have experienced road rage, moderate to severe. One in every 20 drivers has been assaulted. With 1 in 5 drivers admitting impatience, 1 in 5 still using mobile phones will driving.1 in 3 admitting to drink driving and 9 out of 10 admitted to excess speeding. (AAMI 03) Approximately 1,167 people dye on Australian roads. (10/03)

About 3,300 people die every year from alcohol abuse.

Australian drug addicts steal to support habits with 8 out of 10 arrested for burglary and 7 out of 10 men arrested for traffic offences test positive to elicit drugs. (Aust Institute of Criminology 03)

Anderson Accounting was accused of cooking HIH company books to the sum of US$470 million. One director banned from holding a directorship for 20 years another for 10 years.

Australia has illegal animal trade going out of and coming in to the country. Many things such as the 160kg of traditional medicines to the 213 reptiles and frogs in Perth as well as rhino horns and pangolin anteaters have been victims of illegal animal trade. For example, illegal tradeincludes things such as hundreds of rare cycad plants. About 1.5 million bird species and at least 640,000 reptiles a year are intercepted worldwide. Trafficking in this type of contraband is estimated to be worth between US$ 160 billion, in AU$ 228 billion. (22/10/03)

Almost half of Australia’s postal workers have allegedly been caught sending and receiving pornographic e-mails during work time. (CH 7 4/12/03)

Between the years 1981 and 2000 there was a 172% divorce rate.




One in every 8 people admitted to hospital have cancer related problems. While depression is the fastest growing disorder with 1 in 4 females and 1 in 8 males experiencing depression at some time in their life. (Ch 31, 12/3/02)

It has been suggested that up to 1 million cancer deaths may be prevented by diet changes, particularly bowel cancer.

Everyday 10 Australian women die of cancer. In NSW in 2001 there were 4,067 new cases of breast cancer and 871 deaths. In comparison to lung cancer where in the same year there were 2,326 deaths nearly three times that of breast cancer. Lung cancer in Australia is the major cause of cancer with 85% relating to smoking. (3/11/03)

Bowel cancer, one of the preventable cancers has in Australia at least 10,000 diagnoses per year, with 5,000 dying per year.

Estimated age of natural death is approximately 70 years of age. (Feb 04)

At least 60% of 29-year-old Australian women did not or would not want to have a child. (2003)

It has been suggested that unnecessary hospital deaths may number at least 4,000 per year, which is 50 times more than Australian lives lost in The Bali bombing of the 12-10-2002

Australians are the 3rd fattest people in the world. (Ch 9# 11-1-04)

Males 18-35 contribute to 80% of road accidents.

Australian aboriginals are some of the most disadvantaged indigenous people in the world.

Australia is a nation of pill poppers with at least 80% of the population having taken some form of pill in the last week.

Like Americans, Australians take a sick day every 3 weeks.

Asthma sufferers have a 70% chance of expressing symptoms of depression or similar psychological manifestations.

Australians are thought to be lacking in Iodine in their diets. And that one in 5 childbearing-aged females have low folate levels that could increase the risk of birth defects such as spina bifida. Queensland studies showed 18% of females 25 to 29 were lacking sufficient folate.  This study showed that 9% males and females 25 years and older were deficient. (20/10/03)
Cardiovascular health problems cost Australians about $3.5 million per annum.

Heroin overdoses are up by 36% higher in legal shooting gallery than surrounding streets. (CH 7 23/10/03)

In the 60’s almost 60% of males and 40% of the female population were smokers. Some tobacco related authorities have known for at least 20 years that tobacco contained high levels of DDT and other dangerous drugs. Tobacco tested in 1978 showed that Phillip Morris for example had DDT readings of 40 times higher than German limits. Tobacco has still not been investigated on its chemical contents and their risks. In the 1990’s DDT, dichloran and maleic pesticides were found in levels higher than acceptable to US and German standards. SMH 3/11/03) Studies show that smokers are twice as vulnerable to developing MS as non smokers, and that males are 3 times more susceptible than non-smokers and 1.5 times more than females. (29/10/03) A recent survey shows that MS has tripled since 1961 from 20 per 100,000 to 59 per 100,00. Now Australia spends AU$7.5 to $13.4 billion on smoking related illnesses with two-thirds cancer related deaths contributed to smoking. The government receives AU$4.8 billion in tobacco excise tax a year. (16/10/03)

Food Standards Australia recorded 75 food recalls to the fiscal year ending June 2003 due to microbiology, chemical and biotoxins contamination, as well as foreign matter such as glass and metal fragments alone report

About 1,400 doctors graduate in Australia every year well below recognised needs. We recruit about 400 overseas doctors each year to try to pick up the shortfall. A further 100 specialists a year are also granted limited registration in their particular fields. (3/12/03)

At least 80% of new mothers will experience the baby blues that normally last just a few weeks. However 20% will develop the more serious Pre natal depression.

Depression is one of the growing diseases of contemporary Australia with recent studies showing that negativity increases the risk of heart diseases by about 8%. (1-2/11/03)



Forty percent of all US children are living in or on the edge of absolute poverty. (1/03), in comparison to the Developing world’s statistics of 1 in every 4 children. (2003)

One in every 3 children in Scotland live in poverty, while the Royal Bank of Scotland made 9.3 billion pounds profit in 2002-2003.

At least 20% of the Australian population struggles to eat properly because of poverty.

Gastro enteritis kills 800,000 children every year, primarily in underdeveloped countries. (10/03)

As many as 11 million African children under the age of 15 orphaned after losing parents to aids. (CH 9 29/11/03)


One in every 4 children in the USA lives in or on the edge of absolute poverty. Almost half the rate of the United States child poverty statistics. See above.

Ethiopia has more than 4 million people reliant on food aid even in good crop seasons. More than ¾ more farmers are reliant on food aid during dry unproductive seasons.

At least 62% of Colombians, South America live below the poverty line.

In Iraq during the 2003 invasion by the US up to 55,000 people including 10,000 innocent civilians have died. This does not include the 1,000 children who made up 57% of the population. Over 20,000 Iraqis have been injured.




Australian Fishing industry catches an unsustainable 30,000 tons of fish, valued at approximately $1.2 billion AUS. With 90% of the world’s largest fish slowly being eradicated. (1/03)

There are 430 life species being lost from salientiated waters, with Australia having the most serious problem. Dry land salientian is our major problem followed by coastal blue algae. Interestingly, with Australia being the driest continent in the world Australians are the highest water users (pro-rata) in the world. (5/03)
Approximately 15 tons of Green House rubbish pollutants dumped each year in NSW, finding that less than 700,000 homes contribute to most of it. (10/02)

Australian environmentalists collect approximately 1 ton of illegal debris every year. With over 1 trillion cigarette butts going into our waterways and seas. The toxins are so strong that it takes up to 15 years to break down. (11/03)

Eight thousand tons of illegal debris was collected on Clean up Australia Day 2004. (Ch 7)

Four million tons of rubbish is collected just in NSW each year with Sydney running out of disposal space within the next 3 years. (03)

East Coast Australia and Sydney in particular were, on the 6/12/02 was surrounded by 64 fires during the hottest, driest drought in the last 50 years.
More than half the plastic bags disposed of each year comes from supermarkets. Less than 1% of these are reused and depending one thickness etc, take up to 20 years to decompose. Research indicates that charging for bags could reduce plastic bag refuge by 90%.

In December 2002 while NSW temperatures and fires escalated, Mount Hotham had its coldest summer ever; (it snowed).

Greenhouse emissions in Australia are sadly lagging behind. Australia has not ratified the 1997 UN Kyoto protocol of 8% reduction. Interestingly neither has the USA.

Australia in general and a leaked document of the Murray Darling system is suffering from diminishing water necessities and our growing blue algae problem. The present actions to improve these problems at the cost of AU$6 million may not improve the problem in the long run. Farmers in South Australia in recent droughts have paid up to $400 a megalitre to lease water from NSW and $350 from other parts of South Australia. Considering we are one of the driest continents in the world can you imagine what essential water access could cost us in the future?

Global warming is increasing the numbers of some of our most deadly species. For example the deadly red back spider whose natural predators, birds have change a lot of their migratory patterns. Red backs etc are breeding more frequently each year, more are surviving. Similarly in Victoria the once common grey headed flying fox numbers about 80,000 whereby the once rare black species seem to be increasing their numbers. (10/03)

Melbourne Victoria had its worst storm in 100 years on the night

of the 2nd December 03.