AUSTRALIA, the Truth is Frightening
AUSTRALIA, the Truth is
Disclaimer: I
have been quite ill and I did not realize things would get this bad so as much
as absolutely possible all information is as close to the truth as I can get. I
say this humbly but I have 4 degrees, 6 majors from International Micro / macro
economics to the humanities and have been in almost half the world’s countries.
I do however come from a hardworking taxpaying family. Thank you.
Approximately about 28th - 30th March
2014, the liberal federal
government granted Amnesty to all the rich Australian recently caught harbouring
money in the Swiss Bank to avoid paying taxes. Even though these already rich are
ripping of the hardworking, tax payers, which mean no fines or no avoided tax
payments. Boy! If it was us it would be ‘go straight to jail do not pass go’,
that to me is disgraceful.
All the evidence is pointing to Abbott privatizing Medicare as
soon as they can. This is supported by John Howard’s top economist who was
interviewed approximately about 28th - 30th March 2014
also, who stated that Abbott was picking up where they left off. John Howard privatized Medibank soon after
they got into power and it cost Labor and taxpayers approximately $68 million
to introduce Medicare. WHAT
COST OF LIFE wills this result in? I myself am at risk of dying. SO, if this
is announced SLATER & Gordon Legal firm are willing to do a class suite if
they can get enough concerned and at risk people: PHONE 1800 074 212 don’t be afraid to call them. Also, taxpaying Australians and
past taxpayer pensioners who have not been in Private health for 10 years have
a 70% loading while a out of country
worker brought to Australia to work can get full cover for $200 a month full
cover, even, even if they do not have work??? These people have never paid
any taxes EVER in Australia? AS an
example: When I left work due to Cancer etc I was paying 44 cents in the dollar
tax, my monthly private health just for
hospital cover is $257?? Here
is something of concern if the Liberals cut Medicare, will they still give drug
addicts access to shooting galleries? Heroin is a BANNED drug (not allowed in the country) and marijuana is a
low risk medicinal potential drug. Heroin overdoses are up by 36% higher in
legal shooting gallery than surrounding streets. (CH 7 23/10/03). This is
mainly because the addicts will shoot up more in a protected environment to try
to get the HIGH back. I have worked with these people in 2 countries Australia
and Canada.
The liberal
federal government is also considering reducing
pensions of people who own their own homes, we have repairs etc and are saving
the government money by not receiving
rent assistance, and most of us paid our taxes during our working life. There
is also a plan whereby, if you purchase an investment property you can apply
for $10,000 tax free taxpayer’s money for 10 years. Would that be better if it
was given to low income families? As of approximately 18 months Australia is the “most overpriced, expensive, CAPITALIST country in the world”
thanks to the Liberal privatization Program. The public utilities sold by John
Howard for less than approximately less than about $27 Billion had the ability
to create $17 to $23 Billion EACH YEAR, boy we would not have one of the
smaller debts in the world, less than $1 Trillion.
Here is even more, on average 82% of Australians gamble on some
level. Of these people 42% are gambling to excess, with 63% of that
sub-population obtaining funds from crime. Government involvement in this
dysfunctional activity for example is: Victoria-gambling revenue accounts for
15% of the state’s taxes. NSW-gambling revenue is 19%, with 19% of these
gamblers being women. And yet James Packer was recently allowed to build
another Casino and the Pacer Casinos were exonerated from the recently
introduced protective spending guidelines.
TAXI COUPON APPLICATION, another Government scam in
New South Wales.
When applying for this medical support be warned that;
in spite of the pages & pages of information required from your doctor ALL
is dependent on ONE little box “how far CAN you walk”? There is no other
criteria, you can be critically ill, be at risk of falling and dying on the
spot (I have Benign Postural Vertigo, a wedge fracture behind my lungs ( so a
fall could pierce my lungs), on liquid Morphine for life threatening pain ( I
have had 5 pain shutdowns where I am at risk of dying), live in the outback
with limited transport, walk on dirt and rocks (thus adding to the fall risk) and
have no living relatives to help me. BUT, do not qualify because I HAVE to
WALK, not CAN walk)? SO, if I fall and die who MAY be a contributing
factor???????? And if they just asked for the little box to be ticked it would
not only save trees it would also SAVE TAXPAYERS a LOT of MONEY. Also, in South
Australia their taxi coupons give users three quarters discount, New South
Wales gets half discount. SO much for DEMOCRACY which I believe means equal
opportunity for all. And when I asked if they read the medical documents I was
told “no”? So what can I say?
It is infuriating to read your story Judy. As a friend of yours I want to say that you deserve to have all the care you need and then some. You are a wonderful wise woman. to think of you out there in the outback, barely able to walk at times, and being discriminated against because you can stand on your feet. May you continue to stand on your feet and all the corruption be exposed, and the good ones get thier dues. NOW. Not Later 2015 NOW.
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